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關於leap of love的評價, 林俊傑 JJ Lin

“Wonderland" Official Music Video    3005年,人類在迷途中尋覓著 編碼和代號成為了僅存的身份 被定義著 被監控著 覺醒在曾經渴望的城市裡 殘留的餘溫能否廝守...

Sometimes when I feel like I need to heal myself mentally or emotionally, I sing. I am not a professional but if it makes you feel better, JUST DO IT! . Many times, we stop ourselves from doing things we love because we fear society’s judgement. We worry about what people think/say. And because we doubt our worth, we conclude that we are not ‘good enough’. Here’s the truth. People can only affect us IF we allow them to affect us. We are enough until we let someone else’s opinion dictate our lives. The more we fear, the harder it is to heal. Take that leap of faith and do what you love if it makes you feel happy or at peace. ❤️

Sometimes when I feel like I need to heal myself m...